by Nan Kopitnik
Novelist, Scriptwriter, Journalist
writing as
Alexa Rayburn
Hello, Readers!

The Plucky Parrot
Written by Alexa Rayburn
Illustrated by Clara Kay
"The sick, kindly old man waved from his bed as the little grey parrot gave one last look over his shoulder. He shook his red tail feathers, as if saying goodbye, and gave a last little “Hoot". He thought he saw Otis wipe away a tear as the door was shut, closing a chapter on a twenty-one-year friendship."
Freddy the plucky parrot has been taken from his owner, who is old and sick and can no longer take care of him. Somehow, despite his destructive habit of pulling out his feathers, as well as his slightly sour and skeptical attitude, he falls into the hands of the Weathermore family, owners of a menagerie of persnickety, peculiar, problematic pets. This humorous story about his tricks chronicles his adaptation into this modern family, and their efforts to give him the best life possible.
This twenty-one year old African Grey Parrot keeps the family hopping as they "Always Adventure Together!" The story chronicles the family's discovery that there is much more to Freddy than meets the eye.
Learn about the African Grey Parrot in this story of love and acceptance. Learn about the unique qualities of this bird from experts in the field. "Always Adventure Together!" with the Weathermore family and this very Plucky Parrot!